Wednesday 3 May 2017

6 Important Things To Know If You’re Dating An INTJ

I’m a proud Myers-Briggs INTJ: “one of the rarest and most strategically capable personality types,” according to personality test provider 16personalities. The 2 percent of the population with this personality type are known for their “relentless intellectualism and chess-like maneuvering.”
To break it down by letter, we’re introverted (preferring to keep to ourselves), intuiting (focsed on thoughts and ideas more than facts and experiences), thinking (more logical than emotional), and judging (organized and goal-oriented). So, what does this mean for the people around us?
A relationship with an INTJ can be a puzzle as well as a profound journey of self-discovery. Here are some facts about INTJs that you should know before dating us:

1. We need a lot of encouragement before making the first move.

We get stuck in our own heads, considering all the possible messages you could be trying to send us. So, when we’re at the movies, our internal dialog may sound like this: “Did he put his hand on the armrest between us because he wants to hold my hand? Or does he just not have enough space for his arm?”
Or, if someone pays for dinner, we may be thinking: “Does this make it a date? Or is he just being nice?” See what I mean? Subtle cues don’t really do it for us. If you want to convey that you like us, you may have to just come out and say it.

2. We plan. Obsessively.

Do NOT try to play our dates by ear. We find this maddening. When you say that you can maybe hang out Thursday, what you may not realize is that we’re busy booking up Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday to reserve Thursday for you. If you then decide on Wednesday night that Friday is actually better, you’re out of luck — and in hot water.

3. We become viscerally angry when you’re illogical.

We just can’t with those stream-of-consciousness arguments where you say the next thing that comes to mind without making any coherent point. The fact that you feel something doesn’t make it true. We’d honestly rather you say something hurtful but true than something that makes no sense whatsoever.

4. We LOATHE small talk.

INTJs want to get to the bottom of everything. The way we see it, there are too many unanswered questions in the universe to waste time. We don’t want to spend our dates talking about the weather or what we did last weekend — unless what we did last weekend was read a life-changing book or attend a philosophy conference.

5. We view sex as a mental act.

Since we can’t get out of our own heads, we figure we’d might as well take them with us wherever we go — even into the bedroom. This generally means we’re not satisfied with a basic “wham, bam, thank you ma’am.”
We need an emotional connection and enjoy experimentation, dirty talk, and anything else that keeps us in the moment so we don’t get lost in our own unrelated thoughts.

6. We feel far more than we express.

After a guy I dated in college broke it off after two months, I was heartbroken. When he asked my friend why I didn’t talk to him anymore, she said it was because he really hurt me. He was shocked; he had no idea I felt that deeply.
Since INTJs aren’t the type to shower people with affection, we may unintentionally let on that you’re not that important to us. Don’t be fooled. If you start to doubt our interest, open up about your own feelings, and we may reciprocate them more than you realize.

How Myers-Briggs Personality Types Are Portrayed Online Vs. How They Are In Real Life


Online Description:
ENFPs are passionate, idea-generating revolutionists who inspire others through their fierce determination and spirit.
Real ENFP:
*Hides inside watching cat videos for literally days at a time.*


Online Description:
INFJs are wise and magical fortune-tellers who intuitively understand all the most complex mysteries of the Universe.
Real INFJ:
*Tries to analyze literally one thing.*
*Falls down the bottomless rabbit hole of over-thinking.*
*Gives up and watches TV.*


Online Description:
ENFJs are the revolutionary world leaders who mentor others towards great change and was probably your high school valedictorian.
Real ENFJ:
Wastes entire day trying to decipher the hidden meaning behind a friendly text message.


Online Description:
Eloquent, thoughtful poets who are sleep on a bed of roses and understand the greater meaning behind our existence.
Real INFP:
*Walks into a pole.*
“What the actual mother of fuck, who keeps putting these here.”


Online description:
INTPs are mad scientist geniuses and all of them are Albert Einstein.
Real INTP:
“What if Walruses could drive cars, haha lol”
*Spends three days designing an app that generates walrus memes*


Online Description:
Argumentative devil’s advocate who WILL NOT REST until every idea in the world has been thoroughly debated.
Real ENTP:
“Lol that person’s wrong.”
*Smokes a joint.*
*Shrugs it off.*


Online Description:
INTJs are the mastermind overlords who can see 500 years in the future and will eventually take over earth and all of its inhabitants.
Real INTJ:
*Spends four hours mapping out a route to the grocery store and still gets lost.*


Online Description: 
ENTJs are cutthroat, competitive powerhouses who will stop at absolutely nothing to defeat and eliminate their opponents without remorse.
Real ENTJ:
Is literally the first person to help you when you’re in trouble.


Online Description: 
ISTJs are serious, duty-oriented social servants who will not eat, sleep or rest until justice is delivered to the world as a whole.
Real ISTJ:
*Stays inside playing computer games for three straight days, hoping that nobody will notice their absence.*


Online Description:
Your micromanaging boss who only exists to professionally advance themselves and make your life a living hell.
Real ESTJ:
Just wants to get this freaking work day over with so they can grab a beer and chill out with their friends.


Online Description:
Daredevil badass who is probably off slacklining between mountain peaks while chugging a gallon of whiskey right now.
Real ISTP:
*Sees a text inviting them to go adventuring*
*Sits inside watching TV for three days*
Texts back “Nah”


Online Description: 
Perma-wired adrenaline junkie who CANNOT LIVE without DRUGS SEX AND ROCK AND ROLL 24 hours/day.
Real ESTPs:
Probably has an advanced engineering degree and makes twice as much money as you do.


Online Description:
Sweet grandmother, whose sole reason for living is hugging and baking cookies for everyone they know.
Real ISFJ:
Would almost always rather be at home reading fanfic.


Online Description:
Gossipy girl whose goal in life is to get married, and who is probably your Mom.
Real ESFJ:
Some of the most sharp and motivated professionals you’ll ever meet.


Online Description:
Antisocial emo poets who refuse to talk to others because *nobody understands them* and that makes them want to cry.
Real ISFP:
Some of the friendliest and most fun-loving people you’ll ever meet.


Online Description:
Mindless party animal who has been drunk since the moment they were born.
Real ESFP:
Sharp, motivated, creative and probably understands you better than you understand yourself. 

Constant Contradictions: 6 Things Only INFJs Understand

Of the 16 personality types in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the rarest of them is the INFJ. Only 1% of the people who take the MBTI fall into this personality type, and if you happen to be one of these rare souls, you know how hard it can be for other people to understand you – or even to understand yourself. One of the defining characteristics of the INFJ is an almost constant internal contradiction. describes the INJF as having a “very unique combination of traits: though soft-spoken, they have very strong opinions and will fight tirelessly for an idea they believe in. They are decisive and strong-willed, but will rarely use that energy for personal gain – INFJs will act with creativity, imagination, conviction and sensitivity not to create an advantage, but to create balance. Egalitarianism and karma are very attractive ideas to INFJs, and they tend to believe that nothing would help the world so much as using love and compassion to soften the hearts of tyrants.”

To Get An Idea Of What I Am Talking About, Here Are 6 Things That Other INFJs Will Agree With Me On (Even If They Don’t Admit It).

1. Most of your favorite people are fictional. In fact, most of the time you feel a real connection to another INJF, it is typically in a book.
2. You find it easy to convince people that you’re an extrovert one minute, and an introvert the next. You understand that it confuses people when you shift gears, but you also know that sometimes you just want to be alone. You want relationships in your life and they make you happy, but you also need a lot of alone time to be happy. It’s a constant juggling act.
3. As much as you hate working for money, you’re realistic about needing money to pay bills, rent, etc. It’s a constant battle between being responsible and being free. You can, at the same time, imagine a utopian society – and know that it will never exist.
4. Your intuition will often times play out exactly how a situation is going to go for someone in your head. But, at the risk of offending someone, you just let it play out, and let them make the mistake that you saw coming all along. This is compounded by the fact self-destructive people are drawn to you like a moth to a flame, and you generally care about their problems more than they do. A lot of times, you create standards for other people in your heads based on how you would treat others (including yourself), or what you would do if you were them. You then find yourself severely disappointed when others don’t meet your made-up standards.
5. Sometimes you get a thought in your head that you can’t put into words that other people will understand. Typically, when you try to explain it – you end up confusing them even more. Most of the time, this situation revolves around telling someone how you feel. You either reveal as little about yourself as you possibly can or you reveal WAY too much and end up feeling like an idiot after the fact. After you’ve gone through this cycle enough times, you often end up apologizing for any expression of emotion at all. Social media doesn’t help at all with this one.

6. You have the ability to fit in everywhere, without feeling like you fit in anywhere. As gifted as you are as an intellectual, you can be miles away from the world around you. This usually leads to a realization that most of the world doesn’t live inside of their own head like you, and that seems weird to you. Often times this leaves you feeling like you are in tune with everyone else’s feelings except your own.

How to Know You’ve Found Your Soulmate—Based on Myers-Briggs

Finally, the definitive guide to ‘when you know, you know’

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which sorts people into one of 16 distinct personality profiles, has been around for over 70 years. But in the past decade, something unquestionably beautiful has taken place. MBTI, in all its nuanced glory, has finally met its soulmate: the Internet.
What used to be a commonplace measure of understanding why you always hand in your assignments on time but your coworker Bill has been late to every meeting for the past 20 years (He can’t help it! He’s energized by being late to stuff!) is now a vibrant and dynamic system that will help you understand everything from who you should marry to what kind of dishtowel you are.
Perhaps the most compelling use we can find for the MBTI is to help us get to the bottom of a question that plagues us on a national level: How do we know when to stop swiping on Tinder? In the age of endless options, we have more trouble trusting our guts than we used to. So, here is the clear-cut, unquestionable sign that your search for a soulmate is complete, based on your Myers-Briggs personality type.
ESFP: You’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when loving them feels like the greatest adventure you’ve ever been on.
ESFPs, the enthusiastic, outgoing adventurers of the MBTI, love being in love. But they also dread getting into a relationship that’s going to clip their wings and keep them from freely exploring the world and seeking out thrilling new adventures.
As an ESFP, you’ll know you’ve finally found your soulmate when loving them feels like a great and incredible adventure in and of itself. You’ll no longer worry about being limited in your exploration because being with them will not feel like settling down. It will feel like taking off on the most meaningful adventure of your life.
ISFP: You’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when you’re finally both the artist and the masterpiece.
ISFPs, the passionate, adventurous creatives of the MBTI, are known for their ability to look at other people and see art. These types view and portray their loved ones in the most beautiful fashion imaginable. Yet, they’re rarely looked at quite the same way in return.
As an ISFP, you’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when you finally meet someone who looks at you the way you look at the people you love—that is, as though you are the world’s most exquisite masterpiece. For the first time, you’ll feel as admired as you tend to make other people feel. You’ll be with someone who understands that you aren’t just the artist; you’re a work of art yourself.
ESFJ: You’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when you meet someone who doesn’t need “saving” but who loves you to pieces anyway.
ESFJs, the warm, down-to-earth nurturers of the MBTI, have a tendency to fall in love with people who need something from them. These types are natural caregivers and providers, which means they also happen to be magnets for people who are flailing.
As an ESFJ, you’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when you find yourself falling for someone who has their ducks in a row—but who wants you around nonetheless. Only when you find yourself with someone who truly is not dependent on you will you learn the joy of giving and receiving love freely. It’s the kind of joy you’ll never want to sacrifice again.
ISFJ: You’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when love finally makes you feel safe.
ISFJs, the practical, down-to-earth caregivers of the MBTI, are prone to falling for people who don’t love them back with the same intensity and devotion. These types are lovers and givers through-and-through, but they often find themselves feeling insecure in relationships where their partner isn’t quite as involved or invested.
As an ISFJ, you’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when you meet someone who makes you feel perfectly secure in your relationship. Rather than stressing over what the future will look like for the two of you, you’ll be able to relax and let things unfold because you’re certain that your partner’s values are aligned with your own. You’ll know that the two of you are ready and willing to prioritize each other every step of the way.
ENTP: You’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when a relationship finally opens more doors for you than it closes.
ENTPs, the rational idea-generators of the MBTI, are often slammed for being commitment-averse. In reality, it’s not that these types fear commitment. It’s that they perceive too many things they might want to commit themselves to down the line, and they don’t want to close any doors for themselves.
As an ENTP, you’ll know that you’ve found the one when a relationship finally presents you with more new opportunities than it limits you from. Rather than feeling constrained or held back by your soulmate, you’ll feel encouraged, inspired and bettered by them. Those are the kind of feelings you’ll want to commit to.
INTP: You’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when you find someone who loves but doesn’t need you.
INTPs, the rational, inquisitive logicians of the MBTI, are known for being highly attuned to their own thoughts but not quite as engaged with their own feelings—or the feelings of others. These types often struggle to understand what’s required of them in a relationship, as satisfying the emotional needs of others doesn’t come naturally.
As an INTP, you’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when you meet someone who enjoys your company immensely but who’s just as independent as you are and doesn’t expect you to meet their every need. The person you ought to settle down with won’t waste their time playing mind games— they’ll tell you upfront when they need something. The rest of the time, they’ll be just fine taking care of themselves.
ENTJ: You’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when you start writing them into every long-term plan.
ENTJs, the strategic, long-term planners of the MBTI, are known for their tendency to think with their heads rather than their hearts. However, this isn’t entirely the case. In reality, the ENTJ’s head works in conjunction with their heart. When they fall for someone, everything about having that person in their lives starts making sense.
As an ENTJ, you’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when you can no longer imagine a single plan for the future that doesn’t include them by your side. Your mind will begin writing them into every long-term plan you make, convincing you that they’re the most logical choice. In reality, they’re just the choice that you want to keep on making.
INTJ: You’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when you begin questioning whether you live up to their standards, rather than the other way around.
INTJs, the rational, strategic masterminds of the MBTI, are known for high standards. These types are incredibly selective when it comes to who they seek out as a partner. They want to find someone who approaches their life with the same care and mindfulness that the INTJ applies to their own.
As an INTJ, you’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when you suddenly stop questioning whether this person lives up to your standards and start asking yourself whether you live up to their’s. The last thing an INTJ wants is to become stagnant in a relationship. They need a partner who challenges them, pushes them, and inspires them to be a better version of themselves. Once they find that person, there’s no way they’re letting them go.
ESTP: You’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when you want to be bold on their behalf.
ESTPs, the fast-paced, risk-taking daredevils of the MBTI, are known for their gregarious personalities and their need for speed in all areas of their lives. These types often resist settling down for as long as possible, worrying that their lives will grow dull if they tie themselves down to one person.
As an ESTP, you’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when you finally meet someone who brings out the “superhero” in you, who makes you want to be 10 times more courageous, more daring and more protective than you ever thought you could be, just to make them happy. Your protective streak will be exuberated by this person’s presence. Suddenly, there will be nothing you wouldn’t do to provide for them. And loving them will feel like a great adventure in and of itself.
ISTP: You’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when love feels like the easiest thing on earth.
ISTPs, the practical, intellectual logicians of the MBTI, are known for thinking with their heads, rather than their hearts—which means they aren’t entirely fluent in the language of love. It’s not that ISTPs are uninterested in their partner’s needs; it’s just that they often can’t discern what those needs are. It can be stressful for the ISTP.
As an ISTP, you’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when love stops feeling like a massive, unsolvable puzzle. You’ll be with someone who communicates clearly and who doesn’t leave you hanging. You’ll be able to relax and be yourself in a relationship—instead of constantly walking on eggshells, worrying about offending your partner.
ESTJ: You’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when you’re okay with relinquishing control.
ESTJs, the organized, take-charge go-getters of the MBTI, are known for their propensity for being in control. These types want to take charge of everything in their lives, from their careers to their relationships. However, when they fall in love, their need for control lessens.
As an ESTJ, you’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when you don’t need to micromanage the relationship. You won’t be worried about mistrusting your partner, misunderstanding their intentions, or mistaking something short-term for something with lasting potential. Your relationship will finally seem like a low risk, high reward investment—one that you plan to keep investing in for the rest of your life.
ISTJ: You’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when you’re willing to go out on a limb for love.
ISTJs, the diligent, rule-abiding guardians of the MBTI, are known for their strict adherence to an internal moral code that guides them through everything they do. These types are prone to measuring up potential partners against the values they hold for themselves, and they find that many potential partners fall short.
As an ISTJ, you’ll know you’ve met your soulmate when you find someone who makes you throw your rulebook out the window (even if you retrieve it afterward). You’ll realize it may be time to redefine some rules because you’ll finally have someone who makes you want to be a better person. And that experience is going to throw you for a loop.
ENFP: You’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when a relationship finally sets you free.
ENFPs, the inventive and passionate explorers of the MBTI, are terrified of falling into a relationship that might limit their exploration. These types are incredibly passionate when they’re in love, but they aren’t interested in compromising the lifestyle they want. They need to find a partner who respects their autonomy and who doesn’t hold them back.
As an ENFP, you’ll know that you’ve finally found your soulmate when you meet someone who makes the world seem greater, vaster and wilder. Rather than limiting your options, your soulmate will break your world open and inspire you to chase after dreams you never thought possible. You’ll finally understand what it means to be loved in a way that makes you feel free, and it’s a feeling you won’t want to let go of.
INFP: You’ll know you’ve met your soulmate when you don’t need to embellish a thing about them.
INFPs, the passionate, creative dreamers of the MBTI, are known for their tendency to invent and embellish upon their partners, often holding them to hopelessly unrealistic standards. These types mean well, but they often end up breaking their own hearts when they find themselves disillusioned.
As an INFP, you’ll know that you’ve finally found your soulmate when you stop having to invent anything about them. Because their reality is already poetry. Because their easy smile is already art. Because the way they drink coffee in the morning is already a goddamned masterpiece. The story the two of you share will be better than anything you could possibly have dreamt up.
ENFJ: You’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when you finally meet someone who has just as much to teach you as they do to learn from you.
ENFJs, the warm, intellectual nurturers of the MBTI, are known for their natural mentoring skills. These types are masters of bringing out the best in others. But when it comes to relationships, they’re prone to focusing so hard on the needs of their partner that they neglect their own.
As an ENFJ, you’ll know you’ve finally found your soulmate when you meet someone who has just as much to offer you as you have to offer them. Rather than falling into another one-sided relationship, you’ll find yourself in a true partnership: one where your desires, your needs and your personal development are prioritized as highly as your partner’s. You’ll be both the teacher and the student.
INFJ: You’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when you feel as seen and understood as you make other people feel.
INFJs, the complex, analytical counsellors of the MBTI, are known for their tendency to form quick, yet eerily accurate perceptions of the people around them. Friends and loved ones of the INFJ often report feeling as though the INFJ is able to “peer into their soul.” However, the INFJ rarely feels as though others are capable of peering into theirs.
As an INFJ, you’ll know you’ve found your soulmate when the tables turn and someone finally understands you with all of the depth and nuance that you see in others. The feeling will be wildly uncomfortable, off-putting and magnificent. You’ll finally open yourself up to being understood entirely and loved for every fiber of the complex tapestry that makes up who you are.

Tuesday 2 May 2017


Taurus is very stubborn, Gemini unreliable, and you can never know what to expect from a Libra
Horoscope reveals what kinds of flaws each sign has when it comes to love, and if nobody revealed the secret and told you what your flaw was, find out now.
This is the sign of most explosive temperament and it often has anger management issues. They often behave as if they are very naive and immature. They are always excited about starting new things, but they also easily lose interest. Their impatience is very tiring- they want everything and they want it now!
They are stubborn and don't ever expect to win in disputes with them. Even if they are not right, they won't give in. Their needs and desires always have priority. They can often be boring. They don't open up emotionally so easily and most often they'll just say 'Everything's fine.'
Most often, they are very unreliable and you can hardly count on them. They love to charm with nice words, but they often don't keep their promises. They get bored with everything quickly, and so does their partner, which means that you can feel excessive around them. Live with them means an endless number of half done projects and abandoned ideas.
Their mood changes are very exhausting. They will often hurt you with harsh words, and won't take the blame for it later. They will show that they depend on you and your relationship due to which you may feel as if you were in a prison. They will hurry you with 'serious relationship', marriage and family, and they are not sure if that is what they really want.
It is unlikely that you will feel safe with him, because they love to flirt wherever they go. You will never feel that they love you as much as they love themselves, and sometimes they will impose a sense of having to compete with them. They rarely admit they were wrong, and even if they do, they don’t believe in it. They can be very arrogant and tactless.
Living with them means that you will always have to initiate everything. Since they love to pout, after a fight expect the behavior of a five-year-old. They are often insecure, and they will expect you to do everything for them not to feel that way- even though you don't have anything to do with it. You have to live by their rules because in opposite you will be hearing lectures all day long.
You will rarely know what they really think of something because they might be telling you what they know you want to hear. They can easily turn against you if you hurt them. They are often very vain and obsessed with their looks and they will expect you to look perfect all the time. Their persistence is under question, and they often complain, which may be hard to listen.
Their jealousy is legendary and you can expect furious looks each time you talk to the person of opposite sex which they consider attractive. With them you will have a problem understanding what you feel because they are able to manipulate your emotions. They are capable of ignoring you completely and leave you just by disappearing from your life. They often have secrets, and also, the 'white' lies are nothing new to them.
They love to talk, but they are bad at listening. They expect their partner to entertain them all the time, and if that is missing – they will whine out loud. They love to dominate in a relationship. They can be very direct and insensitive. 
Work, their goals and success will always be more important than their partner. They are the most famous control freaks in the entire horoscope. They will analyze and memorize every mistake you have ever made, and be sure that they forget nothing. You can't influence their attitude.
Relationship with them can turn into a life-long series of lectures- because they always know everything the best. They will always drag their friends into your private life and you could feel as if you are not enough because of that. They take pride in being liberal while actually they judge the others according to their principles.  
Their arrogance is a problem – you can count on having to repeat everything you say. And while it is hard to encourage them to start something, it is even harder making them finish it in a reasonable time. They will sacrifice their needs and feelings for others, so you can be under the impression that they are weak and that you have to take care of them. They tend to idealize relationships and they will have thousands of expectations out of you. 

The Rare INTJ Female and the Struggles of Being Utterly Uncommon

The Rare INTJ Female and the Struggles of Being Utterly Uncommon

Meeting an INTJ is a rare occurrence, meeting a female INTJ is almost impossible. Being rare SOUNDS like an unbelievably appealing thing. We are often drawn to things that are unique and unlike anything else. Even though it is a wonderful thing to be so special, it can be alienating and challenging. The INTJ female is independent, strong-willed and intellectually driven. She is certainly one of a kind, making her easily misunderstood by others. There are many struggles that the INTJ female has to face, being that she is so very uncommon.

They Don’t Fit Into the Female Stereotype

The female INTJ basically abolishes the idea of the gender stereotypes. She is strong, independent and very much inside her own analytical mind. She enjoys knowledge, constantly striving to better herself. The INTJ woman is not seen as emotional often separating her from the “girly” or “flighty” image that some women can be prone to. She stands up for herself and is not afraid of being seen as harsh. INTJs are a proud breed, able to help eliminate some of the unfair stereotypes placed on women. She is a capable leader, although she doesn’t choose to lead unless she has to. The INTJ female wants to absorb as much knowledge as possible, making her a master of her own fate.
Being so different from the stereotypical image of women, is definitely a wonderful way to help better society’s ideals towards women. Even though their uniqueness is a good thing, it is not always easy for them. Being the person to stand out can be rather challenging at times. Many people do not understand the female INTJ, wanting her to fit into the typical female role. She may struggle with men not respecting her for her independent thinking. It is not easy being a woman who is often more capable of leading or getting things done than most men. Men are typically viewed as the logical ones, making women their emotional counterparts. The INTJ woman is not at all emotional or whiny, she is intense and logically driven. She often understands complex problems better than most people around her, men included. This can cause for many power struggles, but the INTJ woman will rarely back down. Even though she will push through it, this can be very challenging for her at times. It is important to INTJs to be valued for their intelligence, wanting others to respect how hard they work and how much knowledge they have gathered. Having to deal with people doubting their natural abilities, is intensely frustrating to the INTJ.

They Challenge Others

INTJs women are constantly working on growing as individuals, they also work on pushing others around them. They will not back down and are constantly seeking to reach a better understanding. Regardless of their adversaries the INTJ female is a formidable intellectual beast. She knows what she wants and is more than capable of going after it. The INTJ women often faces more struggles than most people, being that her goals are often alongside those of power-hungry men. She does not fear people who puff their chests, but rather wants to come at them full-force. The INTJ woman is misunderstood because of her ability to stand against people who appear “bigger” than her. She knows her intelligence, making her completely confident in her ability to overcome challenges.
The way that the INTJ woman thinks, often challenges others in ways that can make them uncomfortable. People may become uneasy with the way that the INTJ female pushes them beyond their limits. She isn’t someone who is content to sit back and watch other people succeed. This often drives others around her to want to be just as successful. Being so intellectually driven can often alienate the INTJ female from people who are not used to such a strong-willed woman.

They Are Independent Thinkers

The INTJ woman does not depend on others to develop her ideas. She thinks entirely independent of popular opinion, making her often stand out from the crowd. Instead of bending to what the masses follow, the INTJ female wants to weigh the options on a more intelligent basis. She searches for truth, weighing all of the facts and processing them internally until she figures out the best possible answer. The INTJ female is very open-minded, willing to hear other people’s thoughts on different subjects. In the end though, she figures out the answers on her own, without bending to the emotional beliefs of others.
She hungers for knowledge, wanting to gather as much information from her surroundings as possible. The INTJ woman often spends much of her time alone, enjoying what the solitude has to offer. This can be challenging since she may be expected to be the social and “bubbly” female that most women are. She doesn’t fall into that category, wanting to be free to do her own thing without pressure. This doesn’t mean that all female INTJs are “tomboys” at all. Many INTJ women can enjoy stereotypically “female” activities and externally may not appear any different than other women, she just doesn’t fit into the typically emotional category of most women. She wants to do things on her own terms, deciding what she likes internally and not basing it off of popular opinion. Growing up this attitude may have been a struggle for the INTJ female. If she was raised by a mother who enjoys fitting into the female stereotypes, the INTJ would have certainly struggled to be understood. Being an intellectually driven female definitely has its struggles and having a parent who does not understand that this is perfectly “normal”, can make it even harder.

Friendships Can Be Tough

The female INTJ may find herself more comfortable being friends with males. This is simply because she needs more space than most women are willing to give. She doesn’t want to be in constant contact, often needing time to herself to think. If she is surrounding by women who cannot accept her differences, she will become very frustrated. The INTJ female needs friends who can understand her needs, as well as respect and love how unique she is. She needs to be able to find friends who will share her interests and keep up with her intellectual conversations. She will become bored with women who want to chatter about shallow topics that simply do not interest the INTJ.
Her confidence can often alienate the INTJ from other women with insecurities. She isn’t plagued by the emotional anxiety that many women suffer from. The INTJ female sees herself accurately, and knows how to achieve her goals. She is strong and independent, which can alienate her from other women. In some cases though the INTJ can be lucky enough to find women who are similar to her in many ways, making her feel comfortable to be herself. There is nothing worse than when an INTJ female feels like she has to pretend to be something else.

Relationships Can Be Challenging

INTJ women can face challenges in romantic relationships because they may actually be less emotionally expressive than their partner. Most people are used to women who are emotional and bubbly, while the INTJ is neither of those things. She is confident and prefers to keep her emotions to herself, rather than vomiting them onto others. She is very internal and private about how she feels, often taking a long time to warm up to others. This doesn’t mean that the INTJ woman does not want romantic connections, or that she doesn’t feel emotions. She actually feels things very deeply, she just doesn’t express this easily. Over time she may become more capable of opening up to someone, but this takes patience and trust. She will never be the stereotypically romantic and gushy female that most people are used to, but she can be a wonderful partner. INTJs are loyal and deeply caring individuals towards those they are close to. They go out of their way to make sure that they understand their partner on a deeper level. People who are comfortable in their own skin will be intrigued and enticed by the incredible mind of an INTJ woman. She may not be typical, but who wants that anyways? For someone who is looking to be challenged and mentally stimulated, the INTJ woman is a wonderful and rare find.

You Are In Good Company

Although the INTJ female makes up around 1% of the population (INTJs making up on 3%) there are a few inspiring celebrities that share this type. Celebrities such as the talented author Jane Austen, actress and businesswoman Ashley Olsen and businesswoman and presidential candidate Carly Fiorina. Remember that even though you are rare, you are in excellent company.

The INTJ “Mastermind” Personality Type

After Joel and I released a podcast on the INFJ personality, we received an overwhelming response from (the Myers-Briggs type) INTJ for more information on understanding their type. (Perspectives/Effectiveness in the Genius System).
That makes sense – these two types (the INFJ and the INTJ) are almost certainly the most misunderstood by both others and by themselves.
I’d almost argue that INFJs are a little easier to understand. That might be because my mother is an INFJ and I grew up around her, but there’s something about the acute pain an INFJ experiences that is an entrance into understanding them. As if the pain, itself, was a foot in the door of entering in and seeing the whole picture.
To find an entrance into an INTJ is much, much more difficult. Everything they exhibit is more subtle and muted, and the rabbit’s hole goes very deep.
As an ENTP, INTJs are my “Power Pair,” and there’s no doubt that I’ve found myself surrounded by them my entire life. I’ve lived with them, worked with them, fought with them, coached them, made love to and been rendered jelly while kissing them… you get the picture.
For all of my experience with INTJs, there are a couple of crucial components without which I don’t think you can really understand this type:
1) An INTJ is almost invariably smarter than the vast majority of people in analytical, existential, and linguistic intelligence.
There are other types that outperform INTJs in IQ tests (for example, INTPs), but I would venture to say that in all the ways society chooses to acknowledge ‘intelligence’, INTJs as a group outclass just about everyone else. Sure, other types outclass them in intra- and introspective intelligences, and of course kinesthetic/body awareness intelligence. But most cultures diminish the importance of these styles.
To truly understand an INTJ it’s important to realize that they are almost always ‘the smartest person in the room’ in the ways that we all have been socially programmed to recognize “smart.” This is a double-edged sword.
2) They are built like arthropods, and have an exoskeleton.
And it’s not purely a defensive strategy. Unlike the INFJ type that uses a ‘hard candy shell’ as protection against the world, an INTJ’s exoskeleton is a necessary part of their makeup. But like all things we come out of the hatch with, it can be used defensively. I’ll explain in a moment.
3) They are a LOT more sensitive than you realize.
What’s the point of an exoskeleton? To protect the squishy, nougat-like center, of course.
If you don’t see past the hard exterior and acknowledge just how vulnerable the inner world is, you cannot understand this type.
Before we talk about all that, let’s look at The Car Model for the INTJ personality type:
The Driver is Perspectives.
Perspectives is the process that helps INTJ’s watch their own minds form patterns, get inside the minds of others and allows them to see implications far into the future.
The Co-Pilot is Effectiveness.
Effectiveness makes decisions based on practical application, answering the question “What works,” creating metrics to determine milestones, and closing loops.
The 10 Year Old is Authenticity.
Authenticity, when done well, is all about “What feels RIGHT.” It’s how we get in touch with how things are impacting us on a subjectively emotional level, and it’s where we create conviction.
The 3 Year Old is Sensation.
Sensation, when done well, is how we stay present in the moment, and process the extraordinary amount of sensory detail that is coming at us at all times. It’s also where we get in touch with what gives us an adrenaline rush and how we improvise with our bodies.
(If you’re a Myers-Briggs geek, the primary cognitive function for this type is Introverted Intuition, the secondary is Extraverted Thinking, the tertiary is Introverted Feeling and the inferior is Extraverted Sensing.)
If you look at most profiles about the INTJ personality type, they’ll focus on the Mastermind quality of the INTJ. Long range strategy, designing truly complex systems that can be replicated, finding the weaknesses in infrastructure… INTJs are the walking think tanks that streamline the world.
But there’s only so much think tanking the world wants done, and the overwhelming majority of INTJs are just looking for a job that doesn’t make them want to stab their eyes out.
This is important to recognize – most INTJs are only somewhat satisfied in their career choice. You’ll see them peppered throughout universities as professors, in I.T. and programming departments as developers, engineers, etc. Regardless, most INTJs are not utilizing the full wattage of their problem-solving, think tanking abilities. So there’s always this feeling, however deep and unconscious, that their talents – or even they, themselves – are being ‘wasted’.
Because of their introverted nature, there’s a strong need to be acknowledged and given credit, but without the indignity of having to do cartwheels. Remember when I said they outclass almost everyone in three very socially recognized forms of intelligence? It can be a source of frustration that not everyone automatically sees the full extent of this, though they are often considered by people who know them to be ‘very smart’. This gives birth to a couple of other things that just become “INTJ Problems.”
First, as a society we tend to glamorize raw computing power, but we don’t have a lot of love for people who come up with solutions that mean we have to change stuff. So, we tend to marginalize problem-solvers… unless those problem-solvers are putting dollar bills into our pockets. Most true solutions mean going through a painful transitional cycle, and the more far reaching the problem the longer the transition. We also tend to favor efficiency over effectiveness, which will drive an INTJ crazier than anything.
Creating sustainable models are the crack cocaine of INTJs, and living in a world that’s so short-sighted can make them jaded and cynical.
Second, there’s a major tendency to ‘double down’ on being so much smarter than everyone else, and therefore being dismissive. No one – and I mean NO ONE – puts as much thought into things like an INTJ does, according to the INTJ. And to some extent that’s true – it’s a rare bird that thinks as long and hard about anything as they do. But this dismissive attitude, combined with a perpetual feeling of being marginalized, creates the perfect context to generate pride as an emergent.
Once an INTJ gets stuck in the ‘no one else sees what I see, thinks as long and hard as I think, understand like I understand’ loop, the inclination to stay in the realm of ideas and conceptualizing becomes almost too attractive.
I mentioned before that an INTJ is like an arthropod, with an exoskeleton and a very squishy center.
Like INFJs, INTJs use the Perspectives process to be able to see things as others see them and get in the heads of other people. But unlike INFJs, they don’t couple this with a Co-Pilot that checks in with others emotional experience. They couple it with a more analytical process – Effectiveness – which gives them some psychological and emotional distance from others. This is their exoskeleton – a hard, outer shell that gives them room to think about long-range implications. They create their own ‘space’ – or, intellectual work room – that allows for truly exceptional thinking.
However, their 10 Year Old process is Authenticity, a process which encourages them to be sympathetic of the subjective human experience. Whenever they engage in this mental process there’s a part of them that knows they’re a sitting duck… because they are. Perspectives allows them to see how others see, Authenticity encourages them to mirror back how others feel. Because an INTJ is able to occupy both the headspace and the heartspace of another person, they become at that person’s mercy.
The exoskeleton that Effectiveness provides creates necessary and healthy boundaries to ensure they don’t get ‘squished’ by others.
(When they don’t have permission to use and exercise Effectiveness – some have reported that many attempts to become leaders or to get projects accomplished were frustrated by either parents, the school system, or other influencers and so they just ‘stopped trying’ – they use Authenticity as a defense the only way they know how: they call upon the emotion of pride to get them through as a barrier between themselves and the object that can hurt them.)
Before you’re allowed entrance, you must be vetted for trustworthiness. Like INFJs, there is a sense of others being able to do real damage, and ensuring they aren’t inviting in a ‘bull into the china shop’.
Once you’re in, though, you’re IN. I’ve held grown INTJ men as they wept for a lost love because I was ‘in’. I had been invited into the inner sanctum of that squishy space, and I was allowed to experience first-hand their amazing sensitivity.
Without the exoskeleton, there would be no protection against the world. As I mentioned before, unlike an INFJ who can use a ‘hard candy shell’ defensively and must learn to be a conduit for others emotional experience, an INTJ’s exoskeleton isn’t naturally meant for retreat. But if misused it can become a defensive strategy, particularly against suggestions to get into action. To illustrate how an actual exoskeleton works:
Since exoskeletons are rigid, they present some limits to growth. Organisms with open shells can grow by adding new material to the aperture of their shell, as is the case in snails, bivalves and other molluscans. A true exoskeleton, like that found in arthropods must be shed (moulted) when it is outgrown. A new exoskeleton is produced beneath the old one. As the old one is shed, the new skeleton is soft and pliable. The animal will pump itself up to expand the new shell to maximal size, then let it harden. When the shell has set, the empty space inside the new skeleton can be filled up as the animal eats. Failure to shed the exoskeleton once outgrown can result in the animal being suffocated within its own shell, and will stop subadults from reaching maturity, thus preventing them from reproducing.
-Wikipedia, “Exoskeleton”
I’m about to go massively abstract, so please bear with me.
A big part of the perpetual learning most INTJs do is to build on that exoskeleton – or, in other words, be more and more prepared for a world that isn’t very kind to creatures who lack awareness.
In order to experience real growth, an INTJ needs to feel certain that they won’t be “left to the elements” during the process. Meaning, if they think they’ll be massively exposed they’re simply not going to venture out into a world that could crush them like a grape.
But if they burrow in and never allow themselves to experience life, they risk “suffocating within their own shell,” so to speak.
Growth, itself, can be slow because there’s always a question of how much, how quickly?
Much of the growth an INTJ does is internal – remember, the new exoskeleton is being built underneath the existing skeleton. That means a lot of growth is happening where you can’t see it, and so outside forces will give the INTJ feedback that they aren’t making fast enough progress simply because it’s all under the surface.
That said, it can be truly difficult for the INTJ to be willing to shed the old exoskeleton in favor of the new one, which is by definition softer and more vulnerable. If they do have the guts, though, this is generally a time period of extraordinary growth for the INTJ. For example, all of a sudden a once shy INTJ can become outgoing with an insane social schedule. There is a time period of ‘experience gluttony’ as they grow into their new shell, and once the growth happens, often they settle down and appear to level out.
These moments of growth are incredibly important, and if they don’t give themselves permission they will ‘suffocate’ under the weight of their old shell.
In the most healthy versions of INTJs, the growth phase will also encourage massive implementation, building something that can be measured. They position themselves in consulting or team-leading roles where others can bring their ideas to the ‘outside world’ and they can vet the ideas outside of mere concepts.
The less healthy the INTJ, though, the more they stay in the world of conceptualizing, think-tanking, idea-generating, etc. There is no end to learning, and they will always be in need of more of it. The extraordinary amount of content and material consumed by an INTJ can be staggering to think about, and while impressive, if the INTJ never graduates to implementation (either by themselves or through a team) they sink further and further into a world that can’t be visited by others. They disqualify themselves from intimate connections, relationships and from being able to have the impact on the world they crave.
The key to growth for INTJs can be found in the Co-Pilot process of Effectiveness. Many INTJs find themselves unsure of what exactly they want to bring to the world, and feel they have to have a complete picture of what it looks like before they can move forward. I’ve heard INTJs say things to the effect that they can’t go socializing until they ‘get their life together’, but still not have a clear idea of what that would look like.
Unfortunately, that lack of clarity is in and of itself a defensive strategy. The less well defined the goal, the more murky the definitions, the further away from action they allow themselves to be.
When an INTJ truly steps into their genius, they have clearly defined mile markers. Effectiveness is all about creating a linear strategy to get to a goal, and creating metrics to determine what ‘done’ looks like. The most empowering action an INTJ can take is 1) being aware of their own personal stall tactics, and 2) clearly outlining metricized markers on the way to a goal.
There’s a host of quotes about what can’t be measured can’t be managed, or improved upon. While that may or may not be empirically true, it is true for the INTJ, and is the key to INTJ fulfillment and happiness.
When an INTJ gets into action and begins reaching mile markers, their concepts are no longer abstractions. They can be vetted, improved upon, test/iterated. But most importantly, the INTJ is making an impact on their environment, which may be one of the most satisfying things they experience.
If you’re in a relationship with someone of this personality type, one of the best ways to build intimacy is both intellectual and emotional honesty with yourself. If an INTJ suspects that you can be exploitative – that you can dick with someone’s emotions or be intentionally cruel – they will shut you out as quickly as possible. Being vulnerable is precious to an INTJ and they appreciate it when you express it. Staying present, working through an issue, and being unwilling to be cruel with an INTJ is the surest way to their heart.