Tuesday, 2 May 2017

How To Know an INTJ Woman Likes You

An INTJ woman may seem complicated, however we are quite simple to understand, if you open your mind to the signals of simplicity. If you are trying to figure out if an INTJ woman likes you, enjoy this simple set of clues that may guide you:
  • An INTJ woman will never throw herself at you or act in any way that will draw attention to herself. I know that males are quite used to this behavior, so if you are interested in an INTJ woman and she is not acting like a typical “girl”, do not assume that she is not into you as it is likely the opposite.
  • An INTJ woman may be interested in you if she is actually speaking or responding to you. If she answers your calls, your texts and has a conversation with you, you are in luck. An INTJ woman will typically ignore any correspondence from one she is not interested in.
  • INTJ women will not play games. If you think that we are not responding to you because we are playing the typical “mind games”, you are wrong. We will never do this, even if we think that is what you want.
  • Don’t assume your INTJ woman is not romantic. We may show disdain for typical actions and tokens of romance, but we still like to know that you are into us. If you are into an INTJ woman, tell her. We will appreciate and respond to your honesty over anything.
  • Unlike typical women, we will remain a loyal friend. If you take the risk to tell an INTJ woman how you feel and are met with an unfavorable result, you will not lose this woman’s friendship. She will process the data, tell you in a very diplomatic way that is not how she feels, forget it and return to friendship as it was. INTJ women typically get along with men better than women, so she will cherish and continue that friendship with no ill-will.
  • An INTJ woman definitely likes you if she takes any initiative. If your female INTJ interest calls you, texts you first, asks you to make a date or shows any sign of initiative. She likes you. This is a certainty. She will never take initiative with those she is not into, under any circumstance.
  • If she makes an effort to look nice for you, she probably likes you.INTJ women often find things such as makeup, dresses or clothing of bright color superficial and unnecessary. If you mention that you like dresses or the color yellow and she shows up at a future meeting wearing the aforementioned garment, she likes you. If we have processed that information and provided you a file in our brains with the data you have provided, we have found you to be worthy of our time.
  • If we want to spend a day alone, that does not mean we don’t like you. INTJ women are creatures of solitude and our need for alone time has nothing to do with you or (god forbid) another man. We genuinely need it and if you show respect for this need, that is a huge point in your favor. You may be imagining the worst, however we are likely sitting on our couch, in our pajamas, reading a book. We just want a day where we don’t have to worry about looking pretty for you. This does not mean you should cease communication! We still like to know you are thinking of us.
  • Just because an INTJ woman does not participate in PDA, does not mean she doesn’t like you.We don’t do PDA (public displays of affection), and if we do, it is extremely rare. If PDA is something that you need in a relationship, an INTJ woman is likely not for you.
  • If she spends time with you, she likes you. Our time is valuable and if we share some of that time with you, more than occasionally, we are certainly into you. INTJ women will typically not do anything that we do not want to do of our own accord, so if you see her often, that is certainly a good sign.
It is important to remember that an INTJ woman is very rare and not like typical women. If you have interest in one of these creatures, throw all of your notions of a typical woman out the window and proceed with an open and honest mind. Be direct and don’t play games.

1 comment:

  1. Please credit the original author when using their content https://amandakrause.com/how-to-know-intj-woman-likes-you/
